What’s New in Postscript: October Product Updates
Product Updates, News

What’s New in Postscript: October Product Updates

Bre Fairley
October 27, 2022
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Just as sure as the leaves are falling, Postscript is continuing to innovate, update, and integrate so you have everything you need to continue making SMS your #1 revenue channel. 

October’s monthly product updates include new integrations and compliance updates—and did we mention ARMU got a face-lift? Now introducing… ARMR! Learn more about all of October’s product updates below.

ARMR: The Updated Subscriber Lifetime Value Lever Metrics

We’ve changed Subscriber Lifetime Value’s (Subscriber LTV) underlying metrics from “ARMU” to “ARMR.” Unsubscribe Rate is now Retention rate!

Before we get into the specifics, let’s have a quick refresher of ARMU. 

The letters “ARMU” stand for the four metrics that contribute to Subscriber Lifetime Value (Subscriber LTV): Acquisition Rate, Revenue per Message, Messages per Subscriber, and Unsubscribe Rate.

By measuring Retention Rate in place of Unsubscribe Rate, we are helping our merchants focus on what top performing brands do with SMS - engage their subscribers with amazing content, creative and offers so they stick around for a long time and increase that Lifetime Value.

These two metrics are closely related. You can think of Retention Rate as the inverse of Unsubscribe Rate. For example, an Unsubscribe Rate of 20% equals a Retention Rate of 80%. In other words, Retention Rate is simply 100% minus Unsubscribe Rate.

Previously, brands wanting to improve their SLTV needed to increase their A, M, and R—but decrease their U. Thanks to this update, brands wanting to improve their SLTV can aim to increase all contributing metrics: Acquisition Rate, Revenue per Message, Messages per Subscriber, and Retention Rate.

ARMR Dashboard

Postscript users can still see all of these metrics on their dashboard. Learn more about ARMR here.

Create a better subscription experience for your customers with the new Postscript x Smartrr integration.

Postscript is excited to integrate with Smartrr—a leading subscription-management platform brands use to create deeper connections with their most engaged customers. With this integration, brands can send subscribers actionable SMS messages about their subscription, enabling customers to skip deliveries and update their billing information right from the text thread. 

Learn more about Smartrr automations here.

Centralize customer communications with the Postscript x Front help desk integration.

Front, a customer communication hub that helps support teams deliver fast responses, is now integrated with Postscript. When a subscriber texts your brand, their reply will be sent to your Front inbox. Any replies from your support team back to the subscriber will be delivered as an SMS.

Learn more about our new Front integration here.

Get the scoop on the new TCPA bill that goes into effect November 1 in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma’s new Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) bill goes into effect on November 1, 2022. As a result, Oklahoma’s new compliant waking hours are 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Central Time. The penalty per violation (i.e., per person receiving non-compliant messages) is $500. This bill affects all brands with subscribers in Oklahoma, regardless of which SMS platform they use.

Additionally, the new law limits the number of marketing texts Oklahoma residents can receive within a rolling 24-hour window to three messages. This includes both campaigns and automations. With these changes, brands will be required to update their terms of service.

Learn more about Oklahoma’s new messaging legislation and how you can prepare here.

Want to see all the cool features Postscript has to offer?

We're constantly adding and enhancing features to help make SMS the number-one revenue channel for Shopify merchants. Interested? Install Postscript for free now or set up a call with one of our textperts to learn more.

Bre Fairley
Bre Fairley
Product Marketing Manager
Bre comes from a world of technical support and customer education that's led her to technical writing, customer marketing, and product marketing. When she's AFK, you can find Bre backpacking in the Rockies or throwing her club and kicking the ball off the tee in a friendly game of golf.