What’s New in Postscript: March Product Updates
Product Updates, News

What’s New in Postscript: March Product Updates

Bre Fairley
March 31, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If your March Madness bracket caught an L this year, don’t worry about it—we’re hand-delivering hot and fresh W’s to all of our shops with this month’s product updates.

This month, to put it frankly—we popped off. Thanks to the updates we shipped in March, you can now:

  • Collect extra subscriber data within Postscript popups.

  • Segment your highest-intent buyers of a specific product or collection.

  • Use product recommendation merge tags in flows.

We also added new webhook events to send the emails you collect via Postscript popups to your email service provider.

The cherry on top? Three new integrations! 

Read on to trade in that March Madness L for an SMS program W.

Power a more personalized SMS experience by capturing custom subscriber data in Postscript popups.

It’s here! With Postscript popups, you can now collect custom subscriber properties to use for future segmentation, merge tags, and automation filters. This means you can:

  • Boost the conversion potential of each signup.

  • Build hyper-targeted segments based on subscriber properties so you can further personalize the messaging each subscriber receives.

  • Retain more subscribers by providing them with a customized SMS journey.

Popup Collect Custom Properties

We’re rolling out this exciting new feature to all brands in the coming weeks. Want to activate it in your account ASAP? Contact your Customer Success Manager, and they’ll be happy to help you out!

Learn more about custom subscriber properties here.

Target the highest-intent buyers of a specific product or collection with our new Product Recommendation feature.

You can now segment subscribers based on how likely they are to purchase a certain product from your top 10 products or collections. With this feature, you can also use “top product” or “top collection” recommendation merge tags in messages. These merge tags include the link and name of the recommended product.

This feature is available to brands on Postscript’s Enterprise plan.

Use our new webhook event to transfer emails collected via Postscript popups to your email service provider or data warehouse.

Postscript uses webhooks to send out real-time notifications from our app. This month, we added a new webhook event that fires anytime a site visitor submits their email via your Postscript popup. Not too techy savvy? No worries! You can accomplish this with Zapier when you add Shop Email Collected as an event.

Learn more about configuring Postscript webhooks here.

Streamline flows with splits that reconnect at the end of every campaign or automation flow.

Beginning in March 2023, all new and historical flows reconnect at the very end of a flow. In other words, all branches in Flow Builder will always reconvene at the endpoint in the flow. This streamlines the process of building flows and reduces the need to duplicate the same message across several splits.

Reconnecting Splits in Flow Builder

Learn more about this update here

Embed shoppable videos to your website with our new Novel integration.

This one’s for all the Shorts, Reels, and TikTok lovers out there: Postscript now integrates with Novel, allowing you to use Postscript-generated short links in shoppable videos embedded on your website.

seo novel open graph

Learn more about our integration with Novel here.

Use our new Swapt integration to send dynamic coupons to customers who subscribe to your SMS program in a retail store.

With the Swapt x Postscript integration, you can use QR codes to convert in-store customers into SMS subscribers. Once they opt in, subscribers can receive dynamic coupons from your brand.

Learn more here.

Create VIP experiences for your most loyal SMS subscribers when you integrate Postscript with Rivo.

Our new Rivo integration allows you to build segments based on custom properties sourced from Rivo—including loyalty status, points balance, VIP Tier, and more. You can also add Rivo-sourced data to your SMS messages via merge tags in order to personalize the SMS journey for your most valuable customers.

SEO Open graph rivo

Learn more here

Bre Fairley
Bre Fairley
Product Marketing Manager
Bre comes from a world of technical support and customer education that's led her to technical writing, customer marketing, and product marketing. When she's AFK, you can find Bre backpacking in the Rockies or throwing her club and kicking the ball off the tee in a friendly game of golf.