What’s New in Postscript: July 2023 Product Updates
Product Updates, News

What’s New in Postscript: July 2023 Product Updates

Bre Fairley
July 20, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

July was a historic month here at Postscript. We announced the acquisition of Fondue, launched SIX new integration partnerships, hosted The Text Factor, and, of course, brought our beloved custies a handful of new features to rave about all summer long.

Let’s dive in! 

Action Required: Add a Customer Contact Phone Number in your Account Settings

There is a rise in demand letters and lawsuits related to a piece of Florida legislation requiring the ability to call a phone number that sends automated promotional text messages.

We are proactively working to keep our customers compliant so we’ve added the ability for subscribers to call a shop's US toll free number and have it routed to their customer support line or other designated number.  If your brand receives or has received a demand letter, contact our team.

What does this mean for you? Please ensure you have updated your customer contact phone number in your account settings.

Here's where you can learn more.

View or Restore a Previous Version of an Automation Flow

Within Flow Builder, you can view and restore a flow's version history. By visualizing how an automation flow has changed over time, you can assess the impact of those changes on metrics in order to optimize performance more effectively. This feature is currently being rolled out to 100% of our shops over the coming weeks.

Flow Version History

If you’d like to activate this feature today, contact your Customer Success Manager or contact our support team

Orchestrate a More Personalized and Contextual SMS Strategy with Date-Triggered Automation Flows

Collect meaningful dates from subscribers such as anniversaries and birthdays, then store that information in subscriber profiles. To scale a personalized SMS strategy, you can use that custom data to send date-triggered automations to subscribers. This feature is currently being rolled out to 100% of our shops over the coming weeks.

Birthday Automation Flow

If you’d like to activate this feature today, contact your Customer Success Manager or contact our support team

Postscript Now Integrates with Mailchimp, Cordial, and Listrak

Yep. You read that right! Postscript is excited to announce three new email service provider (ESP) integrations: Mailchimp, Listrak, and Cordial. You can now use Postscript popups to collect and forward both email addresses and custom properties to each ESP.

Mailchimp, Listrak, Cordial ESP Announcement

View our help center to get started with setting up your integration and configuring your popups to forward subscriber data.

Employ Our New Billing Cost Estimator to View the Cost of Legacy Campaigns Before Sending*

Brands on our usage billing model can now view a cost estimator when previewing legacy campaigns. This cost estimator includes costs associated with sending a legacy campaign broken down into region, message type (SMS vs. MMS), and segment size. Learn more.

Message Cost Estimator

*This feature is currently in beta. If you’d like to activate this feature today, please contact your Customer Success Manager or contact our support team.

Easily Embed SMS Collection Forms Into Your Theme or Pages with Our New Replo Integration.

Replo is the fastest way to modify, customize, and build on every part of your Shopify store's pages, down to the pixel. Postscript integrates with Replo allowing you to seamlessly add SMS forms right into your Replo content.

Learn more.

Increase Your Cart Events Using Our Retention.com Integration

With our Retention.com integration, you can pass a custom Viewed Product event or Add to Cart event tied to an email address to Postscript or send a subscriber who has an opted-in email address and phone number a cart recovery SMS automation such as Product Viewed or Add to Cart.

Learn more.

Send Custom Properties to Postscript from Inveterate so you can better  target your membership subscribers

With our Inveterate integration, you can add Inveterate-sourced data about each members into their Postscript subscriber profile. You can use this data in Postscript to create custom segments and message your members separately from your nonmembers.

Learn more.

Want to see all the cool features Postscript has to offer?

We're constantly adding and enhancing features to help make SMS the number-one revenue channel for Shopify merchants. Interested? Install Postscript for free now or set up a call with one of our textperts to learn more.

Bre Fairley
Bre Fairley
Product Marketing Manager
Bre comes from a world of technical support and customer education that's led her to technical writing, customer marketing, and product marketing. When she's AFK, you can find Bre backpacking in the Rockies or throwing her club and kicking the ball off the tee in a friendly game of golf.