What's New in Postscript: March Product Updates
News, Product Updates

What's New in Postscript: March Product Updates

Rally Stanoeva
March 28, 2022
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Spring has sprung—and so have a bundle of fresh new features and updates in Postscript. We're talking seamless direct-from-text checkouts, more ways to make your popups pop, enhancements to the ultimate email and SMS marketing solution (a.k.a. Postscript + Klaviyo), and brand-new integrations to streamline two-way conversations with subscribers and maximize repeat orders.

Whew! It's a lot to take in, we know. We can hardly believe we're rolling all of this out in a single month ourselves, but you know how we do! Get all the details below, and be sure to hit us up with any questions or feedback!

Link subscribers directly from a text message to their pre-filled checkout.

Fewer clicks means less friction—and that leads to higher conversion rates. To make the purchase process even smoother, we created a new link tag. Checkout Link takes shoppers directly from a text message to a pre-filled checkout page—cutting out multiple steps in the shopping process.

Checkout Link

For now, the new {checkout_link} tag is available for Browse Abandonment, Add to Cart Abandonment and Back in Stock automations. Here's how it compares to the existing {shop_link} and {product_url} tags:

{shop_link} tag: Links subscribers to your shop's home page, where they can continue shopping. Available for all automation types.

{product_url} tag: Links subscribers to a specific product page based on the subscriber's activity or the automation trigger. In a Back in Stock automation, for example, this tag links to the specific product for which the subscriber requested inventory notifications. Available for all automation types.

NEW {checkout_link} tag: Links subscribers directly to the cart checkout page (with the pre-filled product and variant). If the subscriber is an existing customer of your shop, then their shipping information (name and address) will also be pre-filled. All they have to do is add billing info and complete their order. Currently available for Browse Abandonment, Add to Cart Abandonment and Back in Stock automations.

If you’re using either one of these automations, test out the new Checkout Link and see how it impacts your conversions! Learn more here.

Side Image Popup Layout

Put your popup image on the side.

We’re adding more customization options and layouts to Postscript popups. You can now create a desktop popup with an image on the left side and form fields on the right side. The image will automatically scale to fit the popup. Use the new Side Image option in the desktop popup builder to upload your image. Learn more here.

See popup performance analytics.

With Postscript, you can create and run multiple desktop and mobile popups across different pages of your online store. And now, you can also see performance data for all of your Postscript popups, so you can test and compare results for multiple versions. Available metrics include:

  • Impressions

  • Engagement

  • Number of phone numbers collected (and conversion rate)

  • Number of emails collected (and conversion rate)

Get even more out of your Postscript + Klaviyo integration.

The most successful Shopify merchants pair Klaviyo for email with Postscript for SMS. That’s why we’re stoked to announce we’re expanding our Klaviyo integration capabilities even further. Klaviyo + Postscript users can now:

Sync Postscript coupons to Klaviyo. When Postscript generates a unique coupon for a subscriber, it will send that information to Klaviyo, where the coupon will be stored in the subscriber's Klaviyo profile under an attribute called "Latest Postscript Coupon." This enables you to:

  • Include the same coupon code in both SMS and email messages.

  • Keep coupons unique to the subscriber, thus preventing them from sharing codes with folks who haven't yet opted into your marketing communications.

Create Postscript segments and user filters using Klaviyo activity. This enables you to send an SMS campaign to subscribers who have received—or clicked a link within—a particular Klaviyo email.

Send Postscript click activity to Klaviyo. When a subscriber clicks on a link in a particular SMS campaign, automation, keyword reply, or message, that activity information flows into Klaviyo, where it is stored in the subscriber’s Klaviyo profile. That way, you can create Klaviyo email segments based on whether a subscriber interacted with the links you sent them via text.

Repeat Integration FB

Send perfectly timed reorder reminders with our new Repeat integration.

Repeat uses machine learning to predict when someone is most likely to make a repeat purchase. Our integration allows you to create a Postscript automation that sends reorder reminder texts to customers at the ideal time, along with a link to a pre-built cart generated within Repeat. Learn more about the integration here or check out setup instructions here.

Slack Integration

Reply to incoming texts directly in a thread with our new Slack integration.

Integrate Postscript and Slack to receive and respond to your subscribers’ text messages right from Slack. 🤯 This is a great solution for smaller teams, those who aren’t using a customer support tool like Gorgias, or those who want to be instantly notified of subscriber responses. Plus, it can give your broader team insight into what SMS subscribers are asking for or responding to most. Learn more here.

Want to see all the cool features Postscript has to offer?

We're constantly adding and enhancing features to help make SMS the number-one revenue channel for Shopify merchants. Interested? Install Postscript for free now or set up a call with one of our textperts to learn more.

Rally Stanoeva
Rally Stanoeva
Sr Product Marketing Manager
Rally is the Product Marketing Manager at Postscript and one of the few Canadians on the team. She has been an early employee in multiple tech startups and joined the ecommerce industry in 2017. On the side, she has also worked as a freelance writer for fintech companies.