The proof is in the data:
Use these insights to create better SMS marketing campaigns in 2024. Below you’ll find the aggregate data from thousands of ecommerce stores using SMS, so you can see how your brand’s SMS marketing strategy stacks up. We’ve also included actionable takeaways to help you get the most out of this report.
Health & Wellness
Does your shop cater to consumers’ mental and physical well-being? If so, consider this section your annual checkup.
SLTV + ARMR Benchmarks
Overall Message Benchmarks
Key Takeaways
Health & Wellness saw explosive growth in Subscriber LTV—up 38% for shops in the 90th percentile. The brands performing well here offer up a solid mix of educational campaigns and automations, making sure new customers have strong product knowledge and information surrounding their offerings.
This industry has one of the highest revenue per message averages, with only high AOV categories like Home & Lifestyle performing better. Make sure you’re optimizing your revenue with regular sends. Try adding 1 more campaign a month to see what kind of lift in revenue you can achieve.
Benchmarks Methodology: Eligible Shops are those that installed 90 days prior to Black Friday (2023-11-25) and spent at least $300 on Postscript Marketing in Q4 2023. • SLTV + ARMR Benchmarks are averages at a merchant level across 2023, to account for seasonality. • CTR’s are calculated based only on sent messages that included a link. • A score is measured by dividing first time orders New Subscribers L30 / First Time Orders L30.