How Fanjoy increased Earnings Per Message by 5x with Postscript Plus

Fanjoy is an ecommerce marketplace helping creators elevate their brands and connect with their audience through customized merchandise. They work closely with creators to design, produce, and market products worldwide.

case study fanjoy hero
case study fanjoy sms

Reaching a younger audience with Postscript

About a year and a half ago, Deniz Aydogan joined Fanjoy as Digital Marketing Manager to oversee all marketing channels. Deniz’s number one question was: “How can we best reach our audience in a way that will move them along the customer journey?”

Before last year, email had been one of the primary tactics Fanjoy used to build customer relationships. Deniz knew other brands were capitalizing on SMS and thought it would be the perfect fit for Fanjoy’s Gen-Z audience. But with a background in email marketing, Deniz wasn’t sure how to start an SMS program on his own. That’s when he started looking into SMS platforms.

After a trial run with another SMS company, Fanjoy decided to go with Postscript. “Postscript has the best platform, the best capabilities, and the best service,” said Deniz.

Fanjoy launched their SMS program in 2020. Today, they have 15 accounts on Postscript.

Deniz Aydogan

Deniz Aydogan
Digital Marketing Manager


Postscript was the best fit for us. We were able to grow our list significantly and we saw results immediately.


Fashion & Apparel

Data-driven guidance and strategies with Postscript Plus

Being a team of one (and completely new to SMS), Deniz knew he needed help executing and improving the SMS program. That’s why he decided to join Postscript Plus — Postscript’s premium professional services that help merchants unlock the full potential of their SMS program. “The people behind Postscript are the experts when it comes to SMS. They know the ins and outs of platforms and best practices,” Deniz says.

Here are two ways Postscript Plus has helped Fanjoy enhance its SMS program:

  • Personalized copywriting. At Fanjoy, customers know their favorite creators very well, so it’s important to keep voice and tone consistent across channels. “Postscript has done an excellent job of making sure the messages sound like they’re coming from the creators,” said Deniz.

  • Better targeting for automations. Deniz wasn’t sure if their message flows were receiving the best engagement or driving the most conversions. His Postscript Plus team focused on improving the two most important automations for any brand: Abandoned Cart and Welcome Series. The Abandoned Cart series was split into two separate automations: new customers and repeat customers. With more targeted messaging and offers, the new Abandoned Cart automations outperform the old one on CTRs, Conversion Rate, and EPM (earnings per message). For repeat customers, Fanjoy saw a 5x increase on EPM — from $0.96 to $4.80. “Automations were our top priority and we’re really happy with how they turned out,” Deniz shared.


EPM iIncrease from $0.96 to $4.80 Earnings Per Message on Abandoned Cart automation


CTR increase from 8.7% to 17.2% Click Through Rate on Abandoned Cart automation


Conversion rate increase from 21.2% to 47.4% Conversion Rate on Abandoned Cart automation
Deniz Aydogan

Deniz Aydogan
Digital Marketing Manager


I'm the biggest fan of Postscript Plus (or one of the biggest fans). I've been in the email marketing space for so long, and SMS is so exciting and new to me. I’m happy to be a part of it.


Fashion & Apparel

Ready to make SMS your #1 revenue channel?