SMS Marketing Statistics - The Power of Immediate Engagement

SMS Marketing Statistics - The Power of Immediate Engagement

April 4, 2024
Reading Time: 8 minutes

SMS Marketing Statistics - The Power of Immediate Engagement

SMS marketing — where quick texts aren't just for friendly chats but are a cornerstone of the digital marketing playbook. Many businesses are tapping into the power of texting to promote offers, share updates, and distribute must-know alerts straight to their customers. This article explores the ins and outs of SMS marketing, sprinkles in some statistics that showcase its power, and peeks at it the ways it may change in the near future. SMS is the strategy businesses can't afford to ignore.

Understanding SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is quite simply any marketing done via text message directly to customers' mobile devices. These messages, which include promotions, alerts, and updates, are designed to engage and motivate consumer action. The strategy focuses on creating messages that recipients find valuable and timely, rather than merely sending out bulk texts. The potential for hyper-personalization and two-way communication help differentiate SMS from email as a channel. 

How SMS Marketing Works

The process begins with a customer opting into an SMS marketing program, typically through an online form or by sending a keyword to a short code. Marketers then send text messages to these opted-in users, ensuring that the content is both compliant with regulations and strategically timed for maximum effect. Marketers can segment users into specific lists, automate “flows” and series of messages to trigger after certain events, and even respond back and forth with individual subscribers.

Key Components

An effective SMS marketing campaign hinges on consent, clarity, timing, and relevance. Each message must offer value and be personalized to the recipient's interests and behaviors. Many consumers view their text message inbox as more personal and sacred than their email inbox, and so marketers should take care not to abuse the channel with excess messaging or bland, transactional campaigns. 

The Growth of SMS Marketing

Throughout recent years, SMS marketing has evolved from a nice-to-have to a must-have in the marketer’s toolkit. Why? Because it works incredibly well across various campaign types, from welcome messages to win-back campaigns. And with engagement metrics like conversion rates reaching as high as 25% for some campaigns, the growth in SMS marketing isn’t slowing down anytime soon​​. 

Over the past decade, SMS marketing has evolved from a fringe marketing tactic to a mainstream strategy, thanks in part to the ubiquity of smartphones. 

Growth in Smartphone Usage

The widespread adoption of smartphones globally, with approximately 91.54% of the population now connected via mobile devices, has significantly boosted SMS marketing. This connectivity provides a vast audience for SMS campaigns and allows e-commerce businesses to engage directly with consumers, ensuring that marketing messages reach the intended recipients instantly.

Integration with Ecommerce Platforms

The integration of SMS services with major ecommerce platforms has streamlined the marketing process. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce offer plugins and integrations that automate SMS notifications for order confirmations, shipping updates, and promotional campaigns, making SMS an integral part of the e-commerce customer journey.

Advancements in Personalization and Automation

Leveraging AI and machine learning, SMS marketing has become increasingly sophisticated in personalization and targeting. Ecommerce businesses can segment audiences and tailor messages based on individual shopping behaviors and preferences, which enhances the relevance of communications and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Regulatory and Compliance Developments

The maturation of SMS marketing has been accompanied by the development of stringent legal frameworks, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the U.S. These regulations enforce strict guidelines on consumer privacy and consent, crucial for maintaining trust and transparency in SMS marketing strategies.

Omnichannel Strategy Integration

SMS is increasingly being woven into broader omnichannel marketing strategies. This integration allows for a seamless customer experience across various touchpoints, enhancing the effectiveness of overall marketing efforts and strengthening customer relationships through consistent and personalized interactions​.

[image suggestion: a timeline of these different trends]

Effectiveness of SMS Marketing

Here’s the scoop: SMS isn’t just about sending messages; it’s about making money move. With revenue per message reaching up to $3.27 and subscriber lifetime value soaring as high as $335.49, SMS marketing is not just effective; it's efficient​​. Whether it’s a welcome series or a keyword opt-in, each message type has its own charm and effectiveness, with welcome messages and new opt-ins leading the charge in engagement and conversions​​.

Key SMS Marketing Metrics 

Open Rate

One of the key metrics used to measure the effectiveness of SMS marketing campaigns is open rates. Unlike email marketing, where messages can easily get lost in overflowing inboxes, SMS messages are typically opened within minutes of being received. Recent studies indicate that SMS boasts a staggering open rate of over 95%, far surpassing other marketing channels.

Click Through Rate 

In addition to high open rates, SMS marketing also boasts impressive click-through rates (CTRs). With SMS messages displayed prominently on recipients' mobile screens, it's easier for users to engage with the content and take desired actions. And with click-through rates (CTR) ranging up to 41% depending on the message type, it's clear there's a lot of room to get creative and effective​​.

Conversion Rate

The ultimate goal of any marketing campaign is to drive conversions, and SMS marketing excels in this regard as well. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a service, or completing a survey, SMS messages have been shown to significantly increase conversion rates compared to other marketing channels. SMS marketing has shown conversion rates as high as 32% in certain campaigns, emphasizing its potential to significantly boost sales.

Response Rate

Perhaps one of the most compelling statistics related to SMS marketing is its unmatched response rates. Studies have shown that SMS messages elicit a much higher response rate compared to other forms of communication, with over 45% of recipients responding to SMS messages within the first hour of receiving them. This rapid response time makes SMS an invaluable tool for driving engagement and generating leads.

SMS Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Comparison of Engagement Rates

SMS marketing typically sees significantly higher engagement rates than email. SMS messages have an average open rate of around 95%, compared to email which ranges between 15-20%​. The immediacy and direct nature of SMS contribute to these high engagement rates, as text messages are usually read within three minutes of receipt​.

Effectiveness in Reaching Target Audience

One of the strongest arguments in favor of SMS marketing is its ability to cut through the digital noise and reach recipients directly. Unlike emails that may end up unnoticed in spam folders or lost among numerous other messages, SMSs are delivered straight to the recipient's primary communication device—their mobile phone—thereby almost guaranteeing visibility and engagement​.


Although sending large volumes of SMS can be more expensive than emails, the higher engagement and response rates can translate into a more cost-effective choice for campaigns focusing on immediate conversions or urgent communications​ (Sinch)​.

[image suggestion: columns for SMS and Email, showing the differences]

Consumer Perspectives

Consumers? They're totally into it! With retention rates hovering around 92% for those engaging with SMS campaigns, it's clear that when done right, SMS marketing not only captures attention but keeps it. People appreciate the directness and personal touch that SMS brings, making it a top contender in the battle for consumers' hearts (and wallets)​​.

Future of SMS Marketing

Modern SMS marketing isn't just about sending texts. It's powered by sophisticated platforms that offer automation, integration with other marketing tools, and detailed analytics to track everything from click-through rates to conversion. Tools like Postscript are designed to make SMS your top revenue channel, integrating seamlessly with e-commerce platforms to drive engagement and sales​​.

Increased Integration of AI and Automation

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in SMS marketing is expanding, with 47% of brands planning to increase their use of AI in communications. This is in response to the growing need for more personalized and efficient marketing strategies. AI and automation are not only enhancing message personalization but also optimizing the timing and segmentation of campaigns.

Adoption of Rich Communication Services (RCS)

RCS is set to revolutionize SMS marketing by enabling the sending of media-rich, interactive messages. This technology supports a more dynamic form of SMS that can include images, videos, and interactive elements, potentially increasing customer engagement and response rates significantly. By 2027, the global RCS market is projected to reach over $5.5 billion, indicating its growing importance in the marketing landscape​.

Personalization and Interactivity

With the help of sophisticated data analytics and AI, SMS marketing is moving towards more personalized and interactive formats. This includes the use of two-way conversations, dynamic content based on user data, and interactive elements like polls and quizzes, which cater to the growing consumer expectation for personalized communications​.


1. How can businesses ensure compliance with SMS marketing regulations?

Businesses can ensure compliance with SMS marketing regulations by obtaining explicit consent from recipients, providing opt-out mechanisms, and following best practices for data privacy and consent management.

2. What role does personalization play in SMS marketing?

Personalization plays a crucial role in SMS marketing by creating a more personalized and relevant experience for recipients, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

3. How can businesses measure the effectiveness of their SMS marketing campaigns?

Businesses can measure the effectiveness of their SMS marketing campaigns by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, conversion rates, earnings per message, and response rates.

Emerging trends in SMS marketing include rich media messaging, integration with chatbots for customer support and FAQs , AI-driven personalization, and message automation. These trends are shaping the future of SMS marketing and enabling businesses to deliver more engaging and personalized experiences than ever for customers. 


There you have it — SMS marketing in a nutshell. It’s personal, immediate, and incredibly effective, making it a vital part of any modern marketing strategy. With high engagement rates, substantial ROI, and evolving technology making it easier than ever, SMS marketing isn’t just here to stay; it’s here to lead​.

To really nail SMS marketing, keep your messages personal and timely. Use segmentation to tailor your communications and test different messages to see what resonates. Remember, the key to success is consent and personalization—making sure your messages are wanted and relevant. Also, monitoring metrics like EPM (earnings per message), which can range from $0.06 to $20.63, can help refine your strategies for better outcomes​​.