Postscript Is Now A Shopify Plus Certified Technology Partner

Postscript Is Now A Shopify Plus Certified Technology Partner

July 7, 2020
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today is a proud day for everyone at Postscript. We started along this journey just over two years ago. Postscript went live as a listed application in the Shopify App Store in September 2018. At the time Postscript was still nights and weekends only - it was a side project. We didn’t know much about the market, the ecosystem, building saas businesses, or even SMS.

A lot has happened in two years! Our bet to focus exclusively on Shopify paid off, and in two short years, we’ve grown to over 1,300 ecommerce customers, 450 five-star reviews, and a team of twenty-five (and yes, we’re growing).

Throughout this journey we’ve focused exclusively on Shopify, resisting expansion to other platforms and non ecommerce use cases. Here’s why: With texting, less is more. All our data backs this up. SMS is a very sensitive channel, and to maximize ROI while minimizing annoyance it requires a nuanced approach. Nuance requires focus and building exclusively for Shopify helped us go deep rather than wide, which has manifested in dozens of ways (integrationsAPIsegmentation/targetingReallyGoodTexts, etc.), all of which help ecommerce merchants execute targeted SMS strategies.

We’ve built what I believe is hands down the best SMS Marketing Platform for brands on Shopify - and here’s the cool part - we still have so much left to build! But today, I’m pleased to share that we’ve been accepted as a Shopify Plus Certified Technology Partner, in recognition of our ability to provide outstanding service to the largest brands running on Shopify.

As Loren Padelford, GM of Shopify Plus said, "The Shopify Plus Certified App program is designed to meet the advanced requirements of the world's fastest-growing brands. We're happy to welcome Postscript to the program, bringing their insight and experience in Messaging and Notifications to the Plus merchant community."

SMS for Shopify Plus: How Postscript can help

With SMS, personalization is key. Because Postscript is a platform built specifically for Shopify brands, you can target customer segments based on… well... just about any piece of customer, order, subscriber, or integration data point imaginable.

Instead of a SEND ALL approach which wastes money and burns subscribers, brands using Postscript can easily build and deploy targeted campaigns and automations based off of their data — saving money, preventing unsubscribes, and keeping subscribers happy by (1) not overwhelming them with irrelevant sends and (2) turning a 1-way channel into a 2-way conversation. Keeping subscribers happy is essential for brands on Shopify Plus, and it’s what we do best.

We’ve been available for brands on Shopify Plus to use from the start, but now the stamp of approval is official — both merchants and agency partners who offer SMS marketing can rest-assured that the Postscript product scales to the needs of any merchant - as already evidenced by our successful Shopify Plus based customers like Native DeodorantBrooklinen, or Hydrant (and there are hundreds more).

Wrapping Things Up

This announcement is the culmination of a lot of dedication from our team. We’re excited to continue growing alongside our partners at Shopify. Thanks to our team, customers, investors, partners, and friends for your support thus far. We are committed to continuing to innovate how SMS and messaging work for ecommerce brands, and we’re going to do it without ruining the sanctity of text messages. We are here to serve this ecosystem, and we are just getting started.


-Alex Beller, Co-Founder & President

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