Really Good Texts is now Fantastic Texts
We're excited to announce that as of today, Really Good Texts is officially becoming FantasticTexts.com!
When the original Really Good Texts launched this past June, we were blown away by marketers' response around the world who resoundingly said, "yes, this is the resource I've been waiting for!"
Our original mission for Really Good Texts was simple, to create a massive resource full of SMS inspiration for marketers to see what sending "really good" SMS messages looked like. We decided to call it Really Good Texts as we were huge fans of the fantastic resource Really Good Emails and knew that many SMS marketers were also responsible for sending email marketing messages.
Just one example of the hundreds of fantastic texts on the site.
With all that said, since the launch of Really Good Texts, the site has continued to grow and evolve in a way we did not expect. We've been fortunate enough to see so much community engagement and love for the site that upon reflection, it felt like a time to truly create a unique resource and unique brand away from that of the "really good" sites that many brands have created over the years and to make sure that we weren't distracting or taking away from the original Really Good Emails brand and resources.
Today we're excited to relaunch this resource as FantasticTexts.com with the entire Really Good Emails team's support! Email marketing and SMS marketing can work beautifully together when built into a strategic ecommerce marketing plan.
Please join us in celebrating the relaunch of this site by submitting your fantastic text marketing examples on fantastictexts.com.