Our Newest Postscript Features Are Here!  Watch our BFCM Power-Up Event

Our Newest Postscript Features Are Here! Watch our BFCM Power-Up Event

October 13, 2021
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Our kickoff to Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend is officially here and with it, our latest rollout of new features that are available right now.

Every product we ship at Postscript is built to align with your strategy and the evolving best SMS practices we see in this space. Our latest and greatest updates can help you immediately grow your revenue for the holidays while setting a great foundation for success long after the holidays are over.

Watch the video from our Power-Up BFCM event below. Don’t feel like watching? We’ve got the highlights and timestamps below.


🚨 All Shopify Stores Can Now Collect SMS Subscribers at Checkout

Over the past few years, the only merchants who could leverage SMS collection at checkout compliantly were Shopify Plus merchants.

We’ve been working closely with Shopify and sharing customer feedback to work on a change that would unlock this key step for non Plus customers. Shopify heard us and recently released an update that allows all Shopify stores to collect SMS consent at checkout, in a compliant way.

We know that 60% of all marketing consent is collected at checkout. The ability to collect SMS consent at this stage is an incredible tool to add to your list growth strategy toolbox ahead of BFCM.

If you only invest in 3 things for list growth it should be through keywords, pop-ups, and SMS collection at checkout. If you don’t have this implemented, do so before BFCM to make sure you don’t miss out.

🚨 Introducing Campaign Flows

This feature is only available on Postscript and is one we’re super proud of! Campaign Flows is the first feature we are launching as part of our new Visual Flow Builder and it gives customers the ability to send multiple messages over the course of several days or weeks, all part of the same campaign.

Campaigns are a single message that you send one time. If you want to send a follow-up message, you’d have to build a second and third campaign. But when each message has to be a separate campaign, it’s difficult to visualize the complete journey and creates a lot more room for error. It also just makes it really messy in your Postscript account to keep everything organized.

With Campaign Flows, all you need to do is add time delays between messages by adding the time delay feature right into the flow.

In the coming weeks, you’ll also be able to split a campaign flow into multiple branches, based on how the subscriber interacts with your flow, what actions they take, or for A/B testing. You could use this feature to create a campaign with 2, 3, 4, or 10 steps to enable a huge range of use cases.

Since this is a campaign and not an automation, it will only send once to a static segment. For example, if a customer orders the product in the first message, they won’t be served the rest of the campaign. This way, you send just the right amount of messages to the right people.


🚨 Browse Abandonment and Add to Cart Abandonment

These features were among some of the top requested from our customers and we’re excited to roll these out in time for holiday messaging.

Browse Abandonment can be triggered when a subscriber views a product page. And Add to Cart Abandonment is triggered when a subscriber adds a product to their cart but they don’t begin the checkout process.

Both of these automations are available in your account right now, along with several new user and trigger filters so you can customize them based on the first or last product viewed, cart value, and more.

The 3 things that make these different than what’s already out in the market are:

  • Spam guardrails in place. We limit the Browse Abandon or Add to Cart automation to 1 message and require the message be sent no more than 48 hours after the trigger event and subscribers can only enter these automations once every 72 hours. This preserves your budget and will keep your unsubscribe rates low.

  • Super segmentations. Customers will have access to trigger-specific filters and over 35 user filters that allow you to get as granular and segmented as you want. You’ll build powerful, targeted messages that will have much higher chances of getting customers to convert.

  • No coding required. Unlike other SMS providers, you don’t have to worry about manually modifying your theme files to take full advantage of these new automations.


🚨 Help Desk Integrations & MMS Forwarding

As order volume picks up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday we anticipate seeing a 58% increase in support tickets from holiday shoppers.

We are now integrated with 6 new helpdesk integrations:


These new integrations allow you to send and receive messages through text using your favorite helpdesk platform. This helps centralize all your customer communications in one place and allows your team to not miss a single customer response.

MMS forwarding gives customers the ability to text your brand an image. That image can then be passed to your helpdesk integration and included in the support ticket so you don't miss this important context. This feature is available for all of our help desk integrations, including Zendesk and Gorgias.


These features are live in your Postscript accounts today at no extra cost to you. Jump on with our amazing support team or your customer success manager and get this stuff set up immediately.

Not on Postscript yet? Sign up for a 30-day free trial now.

Cheers to an amazing BFCM and beyond!